Archer Knight launches new SaaS platform to ‘cut through the noise’ of subsea activity.
Aberdeen-based Archer Knight has launched a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to make it easier for subsea companies to win more business.
The subsea market intelligence and consultancy firm, formed by Mike Watson & David Sheret, has launched Flowline, which gives companies from right across the subsea supply chain greater insight into where they can find the most profitable opportunities.
Particularly in the current climate, with the low oil price and COVID-19 putting restrictions on conducting everyday business, Flowline offers companies a way to save time, as well as driving down the costs and the carbon footprint of their businesses.
Used to its full potential, subscribers will be able to challenge traditional methods of conducting business (such as frequent air travel to visit clients and attending exhibitions and conferences), freeing up more time to spent on tactical and strategic decision making.
Operators, suppliers, and service companies will be able to track everything from vessel activity to the status of ongoing projects to give them a clearer picture of the industry.
David Sheret, said:
"Market intelligence is absolutely essential to the subsea industry, especially in the current climate. Companies need access to trustworthy data that enables them to make better decisions. They need greater insight into the key performing indicators within the subsea sector in order to focus their efforts where it counts."
"But with so much news and activity surrounding the subsea industry, it’s harder than ever to find a way to cut through the noise. Technology has a powerful role to play and we believe Flowline brings something completely different to the market. The SaaS platform applies Archer Knight’s in-depth analysis of the market, aided by engagement with a 50,000 strong global network of contacts, to give users a detailed real-time view of the subsea market."
Sheret added:
For subscribers, Flowline will be a company’s own digital ‘employee’, giving them impartial intelligence and backed by the data and analysis from our team of subsea professionals."
"What they’re getting is high-quality data, in a user-friendly format, which can be widely shared across their business. There are no restrictive licensing arrangements above the initial subscription. We believe Flowline really breaks the mould."
From a central dashboard and interactive heatmaps, the software allows users to track vessel & asset activity, individual companies, or specific countries, and gives them regular alerts on subsea appointments, project updates, new contracts, and other industry intelligence.
For more information on Flowline visit www.archerknight.com/flowline or contact David Sheret, Executive Director at dsh@archerknight.com

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