Our Co-Founder and Executive Director was asked to speak at this year's Offshore Support Journal Conference in London in February 2020. Here''s what he had to say about the OSV market and the Blue Economy when interviewed by Edwin Lampert, Head of Content at Riveria Maritime Media Limited.
To watch the video click on the picture below.
You can email David at dsh@archerknight.com

Archer Knight's David Sheret on the 10 Key Elements of Business Development

Archer Knight's Co-Founder and Executive Director David Sheret on the 10 things he feels are important when working in business development....

1 min read
Conference news: David Sheret to speak at OSJ Asia

Developments and commercial opportunities for vessel owners in the subsea market. After such a challenging year for subsea vessel operators what does...

Flowline Information video launched

Flowline Information Video Click on the image above to watch an information video on our SaaS platform, Flowline.