Scotland: Open For Business To The World
In uncertain times compassion is the most important thing.
Introducing a great new member to our team.
This is Fernando Lopez Sanchez. He joined the Archer Knight team a month ago as a software developer.
Originally from Spain, he’s a conversion engineer – he’s switching careers from a mechanical engineering background to software. It’s not an easy journey to take (and given the increased demand for ventilators, it’s one many other engineers are taking). Fernando has made a huge contribution since joining.
In the current climate, everybody is concerned for their job security, particularly those who may be on contracts, or still in their probationary period. That’s why Ross Macdonald, general manager of our market intelligence department and Fernando’s line manager, came to us and said it would be better for Fernando and us as a team to scrap the probation and take him on full time. We wholeheartedly agree and are proud to welcome him to the AK.
Be kind
We think it’s the right thing to do in this period of instability. That’s why I was dismayed to read about a hotel in Scotland which it’s been reported has released members of its team citing government advice. Employees have also been told to vacate their accommodation, leaving one former member of staff (also coincidentally from Spain) sleeping in a tent. At the worst possible time they’ve been left with no job or home.
Why do I mention this? As the co-founder of a company, I find the disregard for the individuals who’ve helped contribute to this business disappointing and, frankly, as a Scot, I find it embarrassing. I want to believe stories like this one are not the norm. To our friends in Spain (or any nation for that matter), this isn’t representative of the vast majority of Scots and we’ve got your compatriots’ backs.
We’re all in this together
This is an unprecedented period of uncertainty and instability, but we’re all in this together. Difficult choices are being taken every second of every day with and there are often no right answers available. There’s pressure on us all, but when faced with a hard decision we have to make sure it is taken with compassion.
The writer of the severance letters was no doubt trying to manage the situation, but there’s never an excuse for a lack of compassion, especially in a time of crisis. I’m pleased we’ve been in a position that we can remove some of the uncertainty for one individual. It was the right thing to do.
…and if the chap who was laid off needs a temporary job and accommodation until he can travel home. Get in touch. We’ll find a way to help.
Be calm, serious, compassionate and positive.
#marketintelligence #bekind
David Sheret is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Archer Knight (Holdings) Limited. David can be contacted on
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