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How Covid-19 got us changing the way we think

How Covid-19 got us changing the way we think

Does the subsea industry need a new model for market intelligence? Was the pandemic a wake-up call?


The coronavirus pandemic has made all companies stop and think about whether their business models are fit for the modern world.

Since the outbreak, we’ve asked ourselves questions over the resilience of supply chains and the strength of our business continuity plans.

Major events (such as the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston) have been postponed or even cancelled. Meanwhile travel restrictions, whether imposed from above or otherwise, have seen the usually routine client meetings pushed back or carried out over a video link.

It’s opened a few eyes to the possibilities that there might be a different way of doing things.


Fresh ideas for oil & gas

Even before this ‘black swan’ event, there has been a big emphasis for companies in the oil & gas industry on where they can reduce their costs and how they can better manage their carbon footprint.

Restrictions and cancellations have challenged some of the usual rules of engagement for doing business. Frequent air travel for client meetings and attending exhibitions may not be a thing of the past, but it might be scaled back.

But how? Without these networks in full operation, a company risks losing its ‘eyes and ears’ on the industry.


A different model

We’ve launched Flowline, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to be an alternative window to what’s going on.

By driving up-to-date data directly to subscribers, customised to their needs, it allows them to make better judgements on their areas of focus.

Engagement with clients will always be an important part of any company’s offering, but we believe Flowline helps deliver greater digital flexibility, enabling subscribers to reduce their costs and also cut their carbon footprint.


#marketintelligence #subsea #oilandgas

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