Our subscription-based market intelligence package for the offshore energy sector.
Building an alliance for better market intelligence
Market intelligence is essential to understanding the complexities of the offshore energy industry.
Alliance Market Intelligence - AMi for short – is a subscription service that gives you access to the latest market insights and trends across the offshore energy market and valuable data on your potential clients and peers and boosting the efficiency of your decision-making process.
We dive into the micro levels of detail giving you a bottom-up view of the market and allowing you to identify the opportunities that will help your organisation grow.
Benefits to your annual AMi subscription
Flowline® is our state-of-the-art Software as a Service (SaaS) platform.
It is a web-based dynamic market intelligence and communications platform that gathers over 10,000 data points daily on offshore energy projects. Our expert analysts use innovative techniques combined with in-depth industry expertise to deliver high-impact and innovative insight for company research and analysis.
With Flowline® you can:
- Maximise your workflows and improve your decision making with the benefit of E&P data, advanced analytics and granular project data to maximise your workflows and improve your decision making.
- Evaluate the latest developments and innovations in offshore wind, with visionary case studies on new technology, supply-chain strategies, project procurements and economics.
- View real-time information on vessel positions, from the high seas to ports around the world.
Creating effective and useful market intelligence is a collaborative process.
With AMi’s monthly Market Assessment Plan (MAP), you shape the scope of the report, while we dive into the micro-focused detail.
You tell us what you need. We build it.
Our MAP reports give you:
Clarity and access to closed networks
Full sight of options across the supply chain
Increased confidence in the economic value of the solution
Insight into the ease of acquisition
There will always be small projects which come up in your day-to-day operations.
It could be investigating new opportunities or assessing the size of the market.
That’s why AMi gives you 100 hours per annum of stand-alone research from the Archer Knight team.
Research requests enable you to:
- Understand key business drivers and corporate opportunities
- Easily execute transformational prospects
- View bespoke and relevant data specific to your needs
Market intelligence in action – MAP reports
Energy transition intelligence
A UK-based operator wanted greater insight into areas including carbon capture, electrification & wind, repurposing assets and commodities in relation to E&P operators.
Our bespoke MAP report covered general news updates; technological developments, investments, project tracking & monitoring; and analysis of general transition strategies.
Global vessels report
A US-based service company asked us to provide an overview of the global geotechnical market in its MAP report.
Our analysts tracked the global geotechnical fleet with vessels specified by the client, monitoring their activity, performance, schedule, contracts, people, and resources.
In-depth air-diving analysis
A Norway-based service company asked us to provide a breakdown of the current UK air-diving market. This included competitor assessment, existing frame agreements, vessels, consumables and people rate monitoring, client assessment and establishing key people within the UK operators relating to their services.
Other MAP reports have also included:
•.Global competitor tracking- •.IRM project tracking- •.US decommissioning market monitoring, client ranking and assessment- •.Oil & gas project tracking in Africa- •.Monitoring and assessing the Taiwanese wind farm market- •.US vessel movements and future schedules- •.UK supply chain bench marking and analysis- •.Global heavy lift vessel tracking- •.AsiaPac pre-commissioning project market assessment- •.Global ROV enabling contracts & framework agreements tracking,
and many more.
For a redacted sample copy of any of these MAP reports, get in touch using the form below:
Request a sample MAP report
Market intelligence in action – Research requests
Archer Knight were asked by a UK exploration and production company to conduct a research request, looking at alternate methods to recover decommissioned flowlines.
A US based multi-sector service company asked Archer Knight to provide them with an overview of the US East Coast Offshore Wind market.
An Asian based multi sector service company requested a break down of current DSV activity in the UKCS.
We have completed over 180 research requests which include the following subjects:
•.Platform ROV services- •.Phase 3 well abandonment companies- •.An insight into Harbour Energy- •.The UK CO2 market- •.ROV manufacturers- •.Global offshore floating wind market- •.Offshore contractor personnel rates- •.The UK USV market- •.The UK distillery supply chain- •.Heavy lift vessel activity & future forecast,
and many more.
For a redacted copy of any of these research request's get in touch using the form below:
Request a sample research request